Saturday, October 26, 2013

October 3, 2013

Cassie with Lincoln her cousin who is serving a mission in Guadalajara, Mexico.
Wow—ok well this week has literally been one of the best weeks of my life—but lets not forget how hard it has been.  I honestly feel like I have learned so much and just don’t want to leave the MTC!  Every morning we have scripture study/personal study and I feel like they don’t give us enough time for it!  I just never want to stop!haha  Did I ever think I would say that –No but there it is.  I have the most amazing teachers here and I learn so much from them.  My zone is so great too!  I am sad I will leave them soon but I have made some pretty amazing friends that have helped me through so much!  Where to begin—well…Thank-you so much for the packages!  Honestly, missionary mail is the best thing in the whole world!  Plus—my district is super close and when we get packages everyone gets super interested in it!  So—we love it!  Thank you!!  You guys are honestly the best family and everyone loves hearing stories.  I miss you a lot but I wish you all could come on a mission with me!  It honestly is so much fun!  Sorry—if this doesn’t make complete sense.  I have been writing it over a couple of days that I have been here. I promise I am not breaking any rules but as for your questions….I do really like studying—surprise!  I have never stayed awake in class for as long as I have here!  I surprise myself each day!  I never really got a headache from the lack of Diet Coke!  I think the Lord might have had a hand in that….either that or someone spiked the caffeine-free crap they have here! Haha!  (Just kidding!)  But anyways…so a little bit about a day at the MTC.  We wake up and get breakfast, study, study, workout, study, teach, feel the Spirit, eat, talk with my comp/district (which I love them all so much!)  but then we all have our moments where we break down from stress or sadness and then we feel the Spirit some more and go to bed….I missed eating somewhere in there but pretty much I go to bed excited for the next day!  About my district—OK well, I am in a room with 6 girls and I am on a top bunk.  Sister Hamilton is super sweet and really outgoing.  Sister Stewart is from Australia and she hates when people impersonate her accent but she is seriously so sweet so you would never know!  Sister Stewart also has Rapunzel hair!  Sister Merrill is super funny!   Sister Shannon has red hair and she is a sweetheart but her family always sends her the weirdest packages, oh—and she is deaf  and she  honestly is super sweet!  Then there is my comp, Sister Hansen.   I have learned so much from her and have really gotten close with her.   I know her testimony is strong!  Plus—her first name is Carli  anyways—I like her.  For the guys in our district—they are all really great Elders!  There is Elder Powers who is from Raleigh  He use to have long hair but he is just a sweetheart kinda guy.  Then he is with Elder Ivy who has made me cry a few times because when he bears his testimony you automatically feel the Spirit so strong. Then there is Elder Hilton who is from Texas and he is a big kid but he has had to stick up for the gospel his whole life so he is super good at knowing the doctrine.  Then there is Elder Ah-Puck and he is our district leader.  He is from Hawaii and he is honestly one of the most humble people I know!  He just has a way of making you happy when you are around him.   We see these elders cry all the time and it is such a change from their personalities.  I can’t even explain it, I just love it!  But anyways—on to you guys… I am so grateful I have you guys!  I will write you more tomorrow or if you get this after Friday then all of this might be confusing, but just know I love you all!  I hope everything goes well!
Always and forever,

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