Tuesday, August 5, 2014

June 16, 2014

Thanks for always writing me, you really do always know how to cheer me up! I am grateful to have such a wonderful family back at home! As Vernetta says about her rain cap--“You are my pride and joy!”   She is black so you know she never gets her hair wet other than when she gets baptized!!! haha Her baptism went great and I am so blessed to know her! She has taught me so much and going through everything with her has had such an eternal impact on my life!
This week-- where to even begin... So we have been doing a whole lot of cleaning all week! Sis Wilde is opening Pittsborough tomorrow for Sisters so we had to clean an old Elders apartment.  I  have never seen anything so gross!!  It was sick... but we made it super cute after 4 hours of scrubbing every wall.  I honestly think they had a spaghetti war in there!  What was crazy was how different the Spirit was when we left--sorry to be all Sister missionary but it really was crazy!!! So we have cleaned and then I got super sick... I don’t know what happened.  I think I got food poisoning but I threw up all Tuesday night and then the next morning we went on exchanges.  Luckily I went with my best friend out here, her name is Sister Bowers and the crazy thing is-- I know her from somewhere I just don’t know where.  We both always say this, but we know that we were friends in Heaven! I feel like I have known her my whole life! I love her so much!  So we went on exchange and had a great day! Then Elder Corbridge came to tour the mission. He was so great! He talked a lot about our weaknesses, and where our focus is.  This past transfer has been literally crazy and I have been seeing so many of my weaknesses.  I had been feeling a little discouraged until he came and spoke to us.  He talked about how our weaknesses bring us closer to Christ and how our struggles become blessings through the Atonement of Jesus Christ! We all have the choice to look at our weaknesses from Satan’s view or from Heavenly Fathers view, so which are we going to choose?  We can wallow in self pity and struggle or we can see them as a way to rely on our Savior and become stronger by overcoming our challenges! I am so grateful that we have the opportunity to grow in this life and to become stronger! Along with that-- when we got home from the meeting we went to check Facebook and Sister Fullmer saw that one of her family members had passed away. Honestly,  I can’t think of another thing that could happen this transfer to the three of us. They have started making jokes about how President is just praying that transfers come sooner because we have such bad luck! But all in all I know that I have seen Heavenly Fathers hand in my life more this transfer than ever before.  I have seen Him change Vernetta’s heart and answer so many of her prayers.  I have seen Him give Sister Fullmer and I the strength to endure and the enabling power of the Atonement work on Sister Wilde.  I have seen how He has blessed both Sister Wilde and I with charity for one another, I won’t tell you we don’t argue but there is always an end to the argument that usually brings us closer.  I have been able to see my testimony of the Book of Mormon change and there have been countless times when I have been able to relate to the stories in the Book of Mormon.  But most of all I have realized that I needed to come on a mission to understand my Heavenly Fathers love for me. As it was Father’s Day-- I thought about how much I was missing all of you and mostly dad.  I thought about how I know that dad loves me and how I can always talk to him about things.  I thought about how much it hurts mom and dad when we struggle and how they both always want to take our struggles away. I know that our Heavenly Father loves us and that He sent us here so that we can learn and understand His love for us. I love my Savior, Jesus Christ. He is my Lord and I will follow Him until that day when we are with Him again. I am grateful to know that I am never alone and that even on the hardest day out here-- that there is no way I will ever quit if I fully trust Christ. I know that this is the true church and that the Book of Mormon is our blue print in this life. I am so grateful to have the Spirit that reminds me of my family and the support that you each show to me. I have started quoting the Mormon messages out here because we watch them so much but my favorite one says "The Lord has promised us angels on our left and on our right to bear us up and He always keeps His word." I know that is true.  I know that we are never alone and I hope each of you know how much I love you.  I hope you know that you are always in my prayers! I love you so much and am so grateful for each of your examples to me! You are my greatest blessings! I love you and hope you have the best week!!
Love forever and always
ps transfers are tomorrow and yes I am losing both... I am training! Wish me luck! 
pps Joey is a quadriplegic and he is an investigator-- he is seriously the best!! We love him!! Oh and the K’s are still moving along-- they are stubborn but the good word will get to them soon enough! 

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