Monday, August 11, 2014

June 23, 2014

Thank you so much for writing me it really means so much every week when I get your letters!  I always find myself trying to find people out here that remind me of you so that I can find a comfort zone... it doesn’t happen very often but sometimes Heavenly Father throws a curve ball at me and one of the ladies that I am by will do something that reminds me of you and it always warms my heart! I think it is like little tender mercies! Like this week someone had fake nails on and they looked just like yours or sometimes randomly I will see a white guy speaking Spanish on the phone and it always reminds me of you and dad!! ha-ha Funny the little things that will start to matter!   ! Joey is such a blessing to me and I look forward to seeing him each day! Well what a crazy week it has been for you all!! Ahh-- Clay I can’t believe you leave so soon but trust me when you get out here time flies by!! Well this week-- where to begin!!! What a crazy week!! As always Monday we had a hair dying party and I bleached my own hair but it didn’t turn out that well and then Tuesday was transfers! I love my new comp! She is great and we get along really well! She has a bigger personality than I do and that is saying something but it makes it easier because I feel like conversations flow smoothly and the ward is really starting to like us more! We have been so blessed! So pretty much we lost the car on Wednesday and it has been like I wake up each morning and run into a wall of humidity but I love it!! I sweat so badly that I just drink the salty water that runs into my eyes!! It is like I am recycling haha OK-- just kidding TMI but seriously  I made my comp bike 11 miles on her first day and she was a champ!! It was so great because it was so hard but we both just pushed each other along!! The next day we decided to use the buses and we really had no idea where we were going so I just prayed that we would get to our appointment on time and that we would be led by the Spirit.  Honestly I had no idea where I was going and I couldn’t find our bus schedules but our bums hurt so bad that we couldn’t bike anymore so I decided that we would go with faith and a prayer in our hearts! Well we got to the bus stop and I started talking to this little  Mexican lady next to me... well she was sent from heaven because she was going to the exact place where we were trying to go. So after transferring onto 4 different buses and 3 different stops she got us to our appointment and wanted the missionaries to come to her house! The only thing was she spoke little English so we had to send the Spanish missionaries! But I know it was a tender mercy from the Lord!! Then the next day we were back on bike and we both got a little dehydrated so we ditched our bikes and walked to the gas station. (this was after riding about 10 miles!)  We got some ice cream and Gatorade and kept going.  After we had a couple of appointments we were going to be late for our dinner so we knew we had to bike home fast. Well-- the only thing was Chapel HILL isn’t called Chapel HILL for nothing... it literally is full of hills everywhere and it was so hot and our GPS died and I had no idea how to get home and then.... it started pouring rain. Well to say the least I looked like a witch (or Clay when he was little and riding on the quads) elbows up trying to peddle as fast as I could and holding back tears when all I could say was Heavenly Father please help us I can't do this... and what do you know an investigator that we had taught earlier that day pulls up next to us and offers us a ride all the way home! We had 6 more miles and when we got in the car she told us she just went to the store to get a drink and she decided to take the long way home and found us! I know that Heavenly Father sent her!! I am telling you when you pray for and expect miracles they always happen! I know that this church is true and I know that Heavenly Father is aware of each one of us!! I am so grateful for prayer and that Heavenly Father hears and answers every one of my prayers every time!! I love you all so much and hope you have so much fun in Seattle!!
Love forever and always,

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