Wednesday, August 20, 2014

July 7, 2014

So this week was kind of crazy but really great! We met with some of my favorite people here and so I always count that as a blessing! We have been really trying to get this ward to come together and it is finally starting to work! I have been so grateful that Sister East is so sweet because I think that the ward really likes her! We have been meeting with Joey and he is doing so great! I am cutting his hair today because he said he looked like Moses in that picture haha  We also had zone conference this week and it was so great! During the summer everything gets a little tougher because everyone is out of town but we have been tracting away!! So that is what zone conference was all about--  not being afraid to tract!! It is a little funny when we pull up and have sweat beards running down our faces and dirty staches from the dust but sometimes I think people feel bad and they let us talk on their porch for longer because we feel the cool air from the inside!! We also did service with Vernetta this week and guess what she does... the same thing that dad does!! So we were cleaning a house that was just built and wiping away spiders and having dust in our face! But for some reason it wasn't that bad because I just love Vendetta so much so any time we spend with her just makes me happy!! She has become one of my best friends out here and I look to her for everything! She has such a strong testimony! She actually told us earlier this week that she has been thinking about getting married to Calvin who is the man that we prayed and fasted for months before she was baptized-- that he would move out and now she is going to get married to him!! But she told him that she wouldn’t marry anyone who is not a Latter-Day Saint!! She always tells us "I serve a mighty God and I will never forget that!" I love Vernetta! I have been thinking and learning a lot on how we each do serve a mighty God, and  I am so grateful for that. We know who wins in the end and we know whose team we want to be on! President Bernhisel gave a lesson on the movie “Miracle” and I told Dad but I didn’t tell all of you-- but there is a part in the movie where the coach makes the players go back and forth on the ice over and over and over after they lose a game, and this is when they are trying to win the Olympics.  Anyways they are all getting sick and throwing up and wanting to quit but the coach won’t let them until one of the boys say "My name is Michael Lutunskie and I play for the United States of America!" and after that the coach lets them stop and go in.   I learned so much from that because I know that in this life we all have our own battles.  We all have to go through hard things and that is the only way that we can grow, but in the end no matter what choice we have ahead of us we know who wins the battle that we are fighting-- so what team are we going to choose? Luckily for me I get to go out and tell people what team I am on and invite them to come win with us! I am so grateful that I know that Heavenly Father has greater strength than Satan! I know that I am on the right team everyday and I will always fight to win! I hope you all know how much I love you and miss you! This week I thought about you all on vacation! I had a dream that missionaries take a vacation with their family hahaha but then I woke up and rode 20 miles on my bike!! The fourth was super fun!! We went on our bikes to a couple lessons and we rode to get ice cream at the best place in all of NC it is called Mapel View.  You sit in rocking chairs and look over all these fields of farmland while you eat your ice cream!! It was definitely the most southern way to spend the 4th and then we had a bbq! Oh and UNC puts on a big firework show but we didn’t get to watch it because of our curfew! haha   We could still hear them-- mixed with the million frogs outside our door! All in all it has been a super week! I love Sister East so much! She is the greatest and we have so much fun walking and talking!! I think the Lord sent her directly to me because He knew that I couldn’t take the heat and the humidity and the walking and biking with a non-funny companion!! She makes everything ten times more fun and I am so grateful for her! I love you!!
Love always and forever
ps a man fell out of the trees outside our apartment today... he was drunk but the ambulance had to come... normal Chapel Hill life haha 
pps oh and I ate the grossest thing-- I don’t even know what it is called or what it is but it was from a family that is Karen aka a little area in Thailand. It was sick and I almost threw up! But anyways I am good now! I love you all!

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