Tuesday, January 27, 2015

December 15, 2014

Mom & Family,
I know that as my mission comes to an end there are so many things that have been weighing on my mind but one of the greatest things that I have to look forward to is being there for my family when I get home! Even though I know it will be so hard to leave this calling there will always be another job waiting for me to accomplish when I get home!  This week has been filled with gratitude for the both of us.   I know I told you about how George is a blind man who really has taught me so much on my mission and there is something very special about him.  He has changed my life in so many ways and I know that I came out here to meet him specifically.  I have never felt like this with anyone on my mission and I know that the Lord placed him in my life. This week we had 2 lessons with him and on Friday I just felt so prompted to re- invite him to baptism. As soon as I finished he said,  “You know Ms. Oliver the Lord has been telling me for a time that you have wanted me to be baptized. I asked him how the Lord told him that and he said that the other day he felt warmth in his heart and he began to speak with the Lord and as he did this, he felt very strongly that I was praying for him. He knew then that I would soon ask him and he was contemplating whether he would accept or not! Well he is now praying about January 3rd so keep him in your prayers!   I love George, he really is someone who is so important to me and I know that I have been sent to Zebulon to meet him! I can’t wait for you to meet him! As for everything else this week has been filled with all sorts of fun Christmas parties and miracles! As you well know I hate tracting and it is something that just comes with missionary work so I set a goal for myself to knock 10 doors everyday. I know  this is the only way that we will find new investigators! So the first day we did this,  the first door that we knocked was Katie and she was amazing! She was so opened and we were able to teach her all about how the Book of Mormon strengthens our families! She was so excited and told us that she would love to learn more! We will see her tomorrow so that will be really good!  Tracting is good for a few things; it always is filled with some really interesting experiences! You knock on people’s doors and you never know who will answer--always an adrenaline rush!!  That is the way that we found George and he is one of my favorite people that I have met, so it is worth it! I know that there are more Georges out there! Oh one last thing that happened in a different lesson with him that was really neat was-- as I began to bear my testimony I said,  “George I just know that this church is Christ's true church here on the earth” and he stopped me and said, “ Ms. Oliver since the day that I met you and Sister Anderson I knew that you believed that it was true, I can feel it in the words that you say and the spirit that you have.”  I just hope that you all know that I know that this church is true and that I have a testimony that Christ is our Savior. I am so grateful to have you as my family! You truly are such an amazing blessing to me and I am so grateful to know that I will be with you forever!
 Love forever,  Cass

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